2003 In the backyard, The Reykjavik Municipal Art Museum, Harbor House
About the Backyard - Diary of Time - Dabók tímans
In the Backyard (2003) consists of a laptop computer on which a screensaver displays images of the construction of a dam. Next to the computer's keyboard is a teacup. Out of the teacup comes a blanket with long embroidery threads.
The work aims to assert that the art object, because it has its own language and form of expression, has a voice in society.
Day to day life flows through, a constant trickle There is a recorder somewhere that registers, constantly I feel it in my body, but that doesn't mean that I can access the data Even so, most of my work can be affiliated with diary entries, ignited then by a perception of a course of events which needs further examination, a wider contest, processing, understanding and creation
Daglegt líf rennur í gegn, sífelldur niđur Ţađ er einhvers stađar síriti sem skrásetur, stöđugt Ég finn fyrir honum í líkamanum, en ţađ er ekki ţar međ sagt ađ ég hafi ađgang ađ heimildarskránni Engu ađ síđur má tengja flest verk mín viđ dagbókarbrot. kveikjan er ţá skynjun atburđarásar sem kallar á nánari skođun, víđara samhengi, úrvinnslu, skilning og sköpun