DIFFERENT KIND OF TIME is a part of the exhibition THE WHEEL initiated by Reykjavík Association of Sculptors in public space, where works of art wind along bike- and walking paths in Reykjavík, 2021. The work is located in Naustavogur, part of an older neighborhood comprised mostly of industrial operations but on the edge of the Vogar residential area. The area is undergoing a transformation where unbroken- and formerly industrial land is being rapidly built up as a residential neighborhood on the coast.
At first glance, the work is extensive but simple. It consists of a free-standing construction crane and an orange industrial ribbon, but the work is also based on the environment that surrounds the work. The crane is idling, it is not used for construction work, but it stands alone and plays, moves with the wind, nods or challenges the cranes located on the other side of the river, in the middle of construction work. The ribbon that hangs from the crane dances in the wind and draws fleeting drawings in the urban landscape. For two weekends during the exhibition period, all the surrounding cranes in the working area were employed into the work. From the end of the work day on Friday until Monday morning colorful ribbons transformed the cranes into dancing creature, dancing freely in the skyline during their time off. Structures otherwise in constant operation within the capitalist economy. Different Kind of Time ignites and actives a conversation on the urban landscape and how societal values are created.
Text by Sunna Ástţórsdóttir
More info at www.hjolid.is